
Who am I? 

    My name is Karlo Abaga and I am a Network Engineer by title. I started a blog back in wordpress.com. Mainly just to document my journey into IT world and to document my findings and share them to everyone. I decided to reboot my old blog and get my own domain. This blog is what I came up with. My plan for this blog is to continue what I was doing back at my old blog, but in a bit more organized passion 🙂 For now, I will try to focus on home or residential network and how to make it better similar to a small Enterprise network. I guess you can call this home lab.

Outside of IT, I love to travel whenever I can, but not for work. I am also getting into airsoft and mountain biking. So if you see me in some airsoft fields or trails, please say hi. I would really like to meet some techie folks out there.

Anyways, all the information posted in this blog are based on my own opinion and they are for educational purposes. These are by no means considered white papers or best practices.