Enabling SNMPv3 on a Univention Corporate Server (UCS)

This is going to be a short post. I am not going to re-post what I have written before about enabling SNMPv3. It is exactly the same as the other Linux system. Please see the post Enabling SNMPv3 on a Raspberry Pi. If you preferred SNMP v2c, check out the post Enabling SNMP on a Raspberry Pi.

Once the SNMPv3 has been configured, it is not going to work right away. The SNMP port 161/udp need to be allowed by the system firewall. Therefore, adding 161/udp to the firewall rule is required. To do so, execute these two commands.

# Add the port 161/udp to the firewall rules set
ucr set security/packetfilter/udp/161/all=ACCEPT

# Reload the firewall
invoke-rc.d univention-firewall restart 

Once the SNMP port is open, any NMS server should be able to poll the SNMP information from the Univention server.

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